
Sectie Sociologie

Department of Sociology


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On differentiation in culture, media and leisure


• Van Eijck, K.. & G. Kraaykamp (2014). Highbrow, Omnivore and Voracious Cultural Consumption Patterns in the Netherlands. An Explanation of Trends between 1975 and 2005. Pp. 267-288 in: H. Knoblauch, M. Jacobs & R. Tuma (eds.). Culture, Communication and Creativity, Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang Academic Research.

• Hek, M. van & G. Kraaykamp (2013). Cultural consumption across countries: a multi-level analysis of social Inequality in highbrow culture in Europe. Poetics, 41, 3, 323-341.

Kraaykamp, G., M. Oldenkamp & K. Breedveld (2013). Starting a sport in the Netherlands: A life-course analysis of the effects of individual, parental and partner characteristics. International Review for the Sociology of Sports, 48, 2, 153-170.

Notten, N., G. Kraaykamp & J. Tolsma (2013). Parents, Television and Children's Weight Status On lasting effects of parental television socialization on weight status in adulthood. Journal of Children and Media, 7, 2, 235-252.

Notten, N., G. Kraaykamp & R. Konig (2012). Family media matters: Unraveling the intergenerational transmission of reading and television tastes. Sociological Perspectives, 55(4), 683–706

Kraaykamp, G., K. van Eijck & W. Ultee (2010). Status, class, and culture in the Netherlands. Pp. 159-188 in: T.W. Chan & J. Goldthorpe (eds.). Social Status and Cultural Consumption, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

• Notten, N., J. Peter, G. Kraaykamp & P.M. Valkenburg (2009). Digital Divide Across Borders. A Cross-National Study of Adolescents’ Use of Digital Technologies, European Sociological Review, 25, 5, 551-560.

Notten, N. & G. Kraaykamp (2009). Parents and the Media. A Study of Social Differentiation in Parental Media Socialization. Poetics, 37, 185-200. [Pdf]

Konig, R., G. Kraaykamp & H. Westerik (2008). Partners’ Influence on each other’s Television Exposure: Dominance or Symmetry?, Communications. The European Journal of Communication Research, 33, 3, 371-384. [Pdf]

• Kraaykamp, G., W. van Gils & W.C. Ultee (2008). Cultural Participation and Time Restrictions: Explaining the Frequency of Individual and Joint Cultural Visits. Poetics, 36, 316-332. [Pdf]

• Kraaykamp, G., K. van Eijck, W.C. Ultee & K. van Rees (2007). Status and Media Use in the Netherlands. Do partners affect media tastes? Poetics, 35, 132-151. [Pdf]

• Kraaykamp, G. & K. van Eijck (2005). Personality, Media Preferences and Cultural participation. Personality and Individual Differences, 38, 1675-1688. [Pdf]

• Kraaykamp, G. (2003). Literary Socialization and Reading Preferences. Effects of Parents, the Library, and the School, Poetics, 31, 235-257. [Pdf]

• Graaf, P.M. de & G. Kraaykamp, G. (2002). Note of the Editors by Bourdieu’s Sociology of Culture, The Netherlands’ Journal of Social Sciences, 38, 87-89. [Pdf]

• Kraaykamp, G. (2002). Cumulative Advantages and Inequality in Lifestyle. A Dutch Description of Distinction in Taste, The Netherlands’ Journal of Social Sciences, 38, 121-142. [Pdf]

• Kraaykamp, G. (2001). Parents, Personality and Media Preferences, Communications. The European Journal of Communication Research, 26, 1, 9-30. [Pdf]

Kraaykamp, G. & P. Nieuwbeerta (2000). Parental Background and Lifestyle Differentiation in Eastern Europe: Social, Political and Cultural Intergenerational Transmission in Five Former Socialist Societies, Social Science Research, 29, 92-122. [Pdf]  

• Kraaykamp, G. & K. Dijkstra (1999). Preferences in Leisure Time Book Reading. A study on the social differentiation in book reading for The Netherlands, Poetics, 26, 203-234. [Pdf] 

Knulst, W. & G. Kraaykamp (1998). Trends in Leisure Reading: Forty years of research on reading in The Netherlands, Poetics, 26, 21-41. [Pdf] 

Kraaykamp, G. & P. Nieuwbeerta (1997). Cultural and Material Life-Style Differentiation in Eastern Europe, Pp.121-154 in: Nieuwbeerta, P. & H. Ganzeboom (eds.), Transformation Processes in Eastern Europe, Ridderkerk: Ridderprint.

Knulst, W. & G. Kraaykamp (1997). The Decline of Reading: Leisure reading trends in the Netherlands (1955-1995), The Netherlands’ Journal of Social Sciences, 2, 130-150. [Pdf]

