
Sectie Sociologie

Department of Sociology


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Huijts, T., G. Kraaykamp & P. Scheepers (2014). Ethnic Diversity and Informal Intra- and Inter-Ethnic Contacts with Neighbors in the Netherlands: A Comparison of Natives and Ethnic Minorities, Acta Sociologica, 57, 41-57.

Huijts, T., R. Sluiter, P. Scheepers & G. Kraaykamp (2013). Ethnic Diversity and Personal Contacts at Work and at School in the Netherlands. A Comparison of Natives and Ethnic Minorities, Journal of International Migration & Integration, 15, 277-298.

Kraaykamp, G., M. van Dam & T. Toonen (2001). Institutional Changes and Political Participation, The effect of municipal amalgamation on local electoral turnout in the Netherlands, Acta Politica, 36, 4, 402-418. [Pdf]



