
Sectie Sociologie

Department of Sociology


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On demography


Kraaykamp, G., W. van Gils & T. van der Lippe (2009). Working Status and Leisure. An Analysis of the Trade-off between Solitary and Social Time. Time & Society, 18, 2-3, 264-283. [Pdf]

Gils, W. van, G. Kraaykamp & T. van der Lippe (2009). Full-time Working Couples and Their Life Course. An Analysis of Leaving Full-time Employment. Journal of Sociological Research, 1, 1, 1-20. [Pdf]

• Gils, W. van & G. Kraaykamp (2008). The Emergence of Dual-Earner Couples: A Longitudinal Study of the Netherlands, International Sociology, 23, 3, 345-366. [Pdf]

Henkens, K., G. Kraaykamp & J. Siegers(1993). Partners and their Labour Market Status, European Sociological Review, 9, 67-78. [Pdf]

