
Sectie Sociologie

Department of Sociology


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On attitudes and opinions


• Visser, M., M. Lubbers, G. Kraaykamp & E. Jaspers (2014). Support for radical left ideologies in Europe, European Journal of Political Research, 53, 541-588.

Kraaykamp, G. (2012). Employment Status and Family Role Attitudes: A Trend Analysis for the Netherlands. International Sociology, 27, 3, 307-328.

Kalmijn, M. & G. Kraaykamp (2007). Social Stratification and Attitudes. A Comparative Analysis of the Effects of Class and Education in Europe, British Journal of Sociology, 58, 547-576. [Pdf]

Kraaykamp, G. (2002). Trends and Counter Trends in Sexual Permissiveness. Three decades of attitude change in The Netherlands 1965-1995, Journal of Marriage and the Family, 64, 225-239. [Pdf]


